Genus: Asimina
Species: A. Red Bisexual
Red Bisexual is a self-pollinating Paw Paw grown for its attractive shape, manageable size, large tropical looking foliage and delicious exotic fruit. The pear shaped fruit has yellow-orange skin and deliciously sweet orange-red flesh. Paw Paw Red Bisexual is an excellent addition to an edible landscape. You'll not only save on this expensive fruit at the supermarket, but its custard like flesh is packed with flavour and is super healthy. Paw Paw is a highly nutritious fruit, containing a wealth of protective antioxidants to maintain your wellbeing. Just one average slice (150g) provides more than twice your daily requirement for vitamins C and A, plus calcium, iron and carbohydrates. It's also a valuable source of fibre and acts as a digestive aid. This sweet and summery fruit can be sliced and eaten fresh, tossed in a salad, or drizzled with fresh lime or lemon for extra flavour. Paw Paw can be ripened at room temperature and is ready to eat when the skin is yellow and slightly soft to touch.

​Requires full sun, grows best in warm climates. Self pollinating. Fast growing, from about 3.5m to 6m.
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Needs regular watering during the growing season, but avoid waterlogging.
Best in deep, fertile soil that is moist, but well-drained and slightly acidic.
Easy to grow. Remove dead, damaged or wayward branches. If the tree gets too tall to harvest fruit, prune by cutting the trunk to shoulder height in summer only. Responds to an organic fertiliser and the application of potassium twice a year.